Swimming in your backyard pool during the hot summer months can be a godsend when you and your family want to cool off. However, when the weather cools off in Northern Virginia and you are still having to deal with cleaning the pool or turning on the filter, you may feel having a pool is more trouble than it is worth. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, you may have already given thought to hiring a pool removal service.
If you are considering pool removal, you are not alone. There are many people who have had pools removed from their yards because they were not worth the headache. If you want to know the top 5 reasons to remove an inground pool in Northern VA, here are the most popular that may convince you to go through with removing your pool.
1. Can Reduce Your Stress Levels
A pool may look nice for most of the year, but during the winter months, you may feel like the pool adds unnecessary stress. Even though the pool won’t be in use, it will still require upkeep and maintenance.
Getting a pool removal can help you relax and check one more item off your to-do list. Without having to stress out about getting the pool cleaned and covered for the winter, you can have more time to spend with your family and doing the things that are really important.
2. Saves You Money
The cost of having a pool is not something that many homeowners think about, but it is something that should be taken into consideration. Maintenance costs, cleaning products and filters that are needed and the cost of heating a pool in the fall or winter, if you choose to use it, can add up quickly. Other expenses include the cost of running the filter and a higher cost for liability insurance coverage in case someone is injured.
Liability Insurance
Many homeowners think their regular home insurance will cover major injury to someone who is using their pool. However, that is not always the case. You will often need to have added coverage for injuries that occur during the use of the pool to prevent you from paying out of pocket for a guest’s medical bills. This can increase your insurance expenses.
Repairs Vs Removal
If your pool is damaged, it could cost much more money to fix it than it would to remove it. So, it may be more cost-effective to have your pool removed than to even bother with getting the damage repaired.
3. Conserves Water
It takes a large amount of water to fill a pool, and with the continual exposure to the sun, evaporation takes away inches of water throughout the year. This means that you will have to refill your pool’s water multiple times to keep the water levels high. This cannot only be a hassle, but also uses a lot of water, raising your water bill.
Good For the Whole Area
Conserving water is especially important in forest areas and places where fires could devastate the terrain and wildlife. So, conserving as much water as you can is in the best interest of everyone in the area. This ensures that there is enough water for everyone in the area to have access to good, clean water.
4. Easier to Sell Your House When You Move
If you ever choose to sell your current home, you might find that it can be tougher to find a buyer that wants to have and maintain a pool. If the pool has any damage to it, then you will have an even harder sell. A pool removal could make it much easier to sell your current home.
Increase the Number of Potential Buyers
In Northern Virginia, the weather gets cold during the wintertime, and some buyers may pass on a home that requires them to maintain a pool during that time. This could cause some buyers to back out or not make an offer at all. Increasing the value of the home and the number of buyers you have could be in your best interest, and getting a pool removal can help you do both.
5. Gives You More Options For Use of the Space
After you have a pool removed, you will have a large amount of space left. This could be used for a large number of different ideas like a garden, deck, playground, barbecue or outdoor patio. With many different ideas to pick from, you can use this new space for whatever you and your family want.
Increase Backyard Appeal
Backyards are a major selling point for families that are looking to purchase a home. If they see a small backyard that will not allow much room for their kids to run around, this could cause them to look elsewhere. But if you have a beautiful yard with a barbeque area and outdoor seating, this could add more appeal to home buyers and increase the amount of money you can get for your house.
Call Dirt Connections Today
Having a pool removed is a big job, and you want it done right the first time. With Dirt Connections servicing the Northern Virginia area and offering professional pool removal services, along with many other available services, you can get your damaged or unwanted pool out of your yard in less time than you thought possible. Call Dirt Connections and get a quote on their pool removal services today!